The teaky saloon of the ol' Betty Jane ...the perfect place to blog yer heart out!

More On That Windshield Panel

Some years ago I sea trialed a great little 30-something cruiser with one big problem--the dang windshield had absolutely no vent or opening for the wafty breezes to pass through. Consequently, the air conditioning system onboard could not even begin to contend with the heat generated by the intense Florida sun. Sweat city!

What I like about my boat is this center windshield panel that lifts like a trap door. It's especially lovely at anchor. Unlike many boats that'll lay side-to in most any sort of sea condition when at anchor, Betty holds her nose into wind and seas virtually always. Hence, she sets herself up for wondrous ventilation if you simply open that center panel.

See the cellphone laying just above the wheel? Big freakin' mistake, gang. My take on boating is you leave all or most complexity ashore, especially technological. The concept of hauling onboard all the electronic communications ephemera we use today to drive each other nuts is totally foreign to my nature. Only reason I can give for the cellphone here is a brief lapse in judgment.
I'll try never to let it happen again.

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